
We’ve provided a list of helpful resources to support you and your family. Feel free to contact us if you need help finding additional support.

Crisis Support

  • Mental Health Crisis Line

    Call the 24-hour mental health Crisis Line for immediate assistance with non-emergency mental health crises.

    Phone: 1-800-320-1616

    *This is a 24-hour emergency crisis line; there is no physical location.

  • Visalia Community Resource

    Schrank's Clubhouse - Breathe YOU MATTER

    425 E Oak Ave Suite 201,
    Visalia, CA 93291

    Visit Website

    Phone: (559) 372-7257

Grief & Loss

LGBTIQA+ Support

A Central Valley where all LGBTQ+ people are valued and celebrated.

Visit Website

109 NW 2nd Ave,
Visalia, CA 93291

Phone: (559) 429-4277

The Source

Dating Abuse & Domestic Violence

Veteran (VA) Support

Ken Cruickshank, County Veterans Service Officer

3348 W Mineral King Ave,
Visalia, CA 93291

Phone: 559-713-2880

Tulare County Office | CACVSO

Legal Services

Substance Abuse

  • Alchoholic Anonymous

    Tulare County AA

    Find a meeting near you: Visit Website

  • Narcotics Anonymous

    General Information: Visit Website

  • Alateen & Al-Anon

    Alateen (teenagers) and Al-Anon members are people, just like you, who are worried about someone struggling with alcohol abuse

    Find a meeting near you: Visit Website

    Phone: 1-866-504-6974

  • SMART Recovery

    Established in 1994, here in the USA, to meet the increasing demand of those seeking a secular and evidence-informed alternative to the widespread 12-Step addiction recovery program.

    Find a meeting near you: Visit Website